Thursday, January 15, 2009

late night rambles.

My son is asleep. My husband has been asleep (haha). And for some reason I cannot bring myself to shut my eyes.

Tonight has been interesting. It has been a night to catch up with old friends, to rediscover long lost friends, and to realize that even tho you haven't talked in years, it is still reassuring to know that they are there. Being at home all the time brings a void into life where you feel completely cut off from the outside world other than TLC and HGTV. You can only take but so much "What Not To Wear" and "Color Splash".

My ears are still ringing from the deaf defying, heart wrenching cries from my son. He is teething 3 teeth all at once and it has really bought a pickle into our relationship. I wish one of my few friends who has a child close to my age lived closer to me so we can share sob stories about it. Alas, the internet is as close as we can get.

Upon the realization that once again motherhood is not easy and that when you stay at home it gets lonely, I have decided on my New Year's Resolution. No promise to lose weight, stop drinking, or work out 10 days a week. Nope-- my resolution is to get back in touch with those that I have been close to in the past that I still frequently think about all the time. I want to mend any bridges that I may have burned to those who I really do care about. I want to reach out to those who need it and to help whoever out that I can. Perhaps an easier way to put it is that I want to become a better person in general. And to get back in touch with the outer world.

Goodnight, sweet world.

"For the Lord is good and His love endures forever, His faithfulness continues through ALL generations" (psalms 100:5)

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