Saturday, September 17, 2011

A quiet Saturday midmorning to reflect on all that has happened...

Hello again. Didn't I promise I would be better at this blogging thing? Seems as if life has once again spun me around and around to the point of my forgetting to do tasks that I want to do.

What has been going on. What has been going on? Well, there are a few stories that I can tell, but one in particular stays fresh in my mind while I am drinking my midmorning lukewarm coffee (which is delicious, trade free, and organic). My dad. My wonderful, strong, sensitive, loving father. I admire him and my mother more than I think they realize for everything that they do for me, and what they do for each other. Since my dad has been diagnosed with EC (esophageal cancer) I have seen sides to them that I have never experienced before. Heartbreak, encouragement, blind faith, weakness, hope... all these emotions at one point have been shown and felt in these long, but strangely rapidly paced couple of months. Was it just last weekend Drew, AJ, and I went and saw mom and dad? Was it just last WEEK that my dad was in the hospital, with a blood clot in his lung and a few in his leg? Was it just last week my mom and I, in spite of all of our stress, went and had a wonderful time at Chilis late on Thursday night, just talking, escaping all that has been happening, having a fantastic girls night? Yes, I guess it was. My how time flies and stays still at the same time.

I have realized a few things. Even when you are not thinking about him, God is always rooting for you. Yes, really crappy things may be happening in your life, you may be living like Job in the Bible, but God does not abandon you, even when you think He has for sure. He may have allowed my father to have cancer, but he has not stopped showing us the miracles that he can perform. Great blood count, only one tumor, a month's worth of free medication that my parents had no idea how they would be able to afford, insurance allowing the kind of radiation that my father needs, a small church constantly bringing things that they need before they even realize they need it, amazing doctors that both of my parents adore and trust... It is all God. I believe that by the time all of this is over with, my parents will have a fantastic story of God's faithfulness and the miracles that He still does, even in this modern broken world.

Mom, Dad. I completely adore and love you guys. You are an inspiration to me through your marriage and through your parenting, and I only hope that Drew and I grow to be strong and loving like you two are. Mom and Dad, I have no idea how you do it all, but you do. <3