Saturday, May 9, 2009

*BASH!* stupid! *BASH!* sinuses!!!!!!

Ok, so this weekend has been CRAZY and it is only 2:45. Last night we took AJ to the park for the FIRST TIME to let him play. Let me tell you, my kid is freakin AWESOME to play with. He did attach himself to me thinking he was a kangaroo at first because he is so shy, however, about 10 minutes of me talking with another mom while holding him, he was OFF. In that picture he was actually laughing and talking to me, teasing me, you know, being a typical Gliebe. It was a blast.

And today he is over at his Grandma Sue's house for a bit, to play catch up. Since she is now NOT doing taxes 24/7 I can start having some "ME" time on the weekends and he can have some "HER" time. The great part about all of this is after I pick him up, we will immediately go to a party where he will rock until he drops.

And so tomorrow will be Mother's Day. I hope that Drew did NOT get me anything due to our financial troubles. I however DO hope that I get to sleep in a bit and be lazy before our CRAZY day of being at church, mom & dads, and Karen's. Woohoo, WHAT FUN!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. awww.... sounds like fun. And A.J. looked TOO CUTE in both pictures (this one and the one you sent me!)
