Wednesday, April 15, 2009


That is how I think Leon, my adorable massive border collie, says whenever I tell him something. I swear, this dog is pretty bright but when it comes to listening to me you'd think I was speaking Arabic or something. However, when it comes to chasing squirrels and birds, getting along with other dogs, being gentle with the babies, or doing one of the five or so tricks that he knows how to do I speak fluent dog.

Anyway, that was a short ramble. I'm just tired of my nice clean house getting messed up again between the dog, the cat, the son, and the husband. Its too much testosterone in this house-- its driving me nuts. You would think that throwing a kids first birthday isn't a big deal, which it really isn't, until you realize how much family and important people you have in your life!! I think that the last time I counted I had 32 people showing up??? And the funny thing is, its all people that I would expect to be there even if I wasn't doing anything, just to say happy birthday kiddo to my acrobatic baby. Speaking of acrobats, he gave himself another black eye today. I would post a pic, however, it makes me want to cry whenever I see it. It is kind of funny how history repeats itsself-- when I turned one, I had a big ol fat bruise in the exact location that AJ is now sporting one. I was hoping that he'd inherit my charming personality and my artistic and academic abilities, however, so far my clumsiness, stubborness, and murky brown eyes are the only thing his genetics are sporting of mine.

*sigh* Now I'm off to swiffer my mudstained floors... again... more posts later, in a hopefully more upbeat mood.

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